Saturday 18 April 2009

So what did YOU do last night?
I ask, because yesterday evening, Fit n Flirty, AKA Dawn, Caroline & Clair, continued their relentness pursuit of peak physical fitness, by taking on & completing a 10 mile walk, in torrential rain!
We set off at 5.20 from Dawns house, in Overdale, then followed the Twilight walk route, which took us down to B & Q, over the M25 walkover, down past the Star, & Malden Rushett, where we turned right at the lights. We continued on into Epsom, then up past the hospital, turning into Craddocks Avenue, and finally back to Overdale.
The phrase "drowned rats" springs to mind when I think how we looked when we finally got home two & a half hours later. Not only did we have to contend with the constant rain, but also the spray from cars, who I am sure could have avoided some of the puddles, which helped to soak us to the bone.
Still, at least the rain ensured we didn't receive cat calls from any oversexed & generally overweight men, who seem to find it hilarious to shout out things like, " You're supposed to be running!", or "get those knees up!" generally with a few expletives thrown in for good measure.
We did get a few beeps & waves from people though, which I am assuming is because we have now received our lovely pink walkthewalk caps, t-shirts & bras. We've only ventured out with the bra's under clothes so far. We are still trying to agree on a theme for decorating them & I'll keep you "abreast" of the news as & when we finally sort them out.
In the meantime, we have been getting a few more miles under our belts, since our 16 mile trek a few weeks ago. We've upped our normal weekly walk to 8 miles a time, which we try & do twice a week. We have a walk to Squires garden centre scheduled for next weekend, which we believe is around 18 miles, We will check it out in the car before hand! The weekend after will be our big 20 miles walk, then for the last two weeks before the Moonwalk, we cut back to short fast walks of 3 to 5 miles. Am I looking forward to that!
Thanks again to all of you who have sponsored us so far. A few of you seem to have experienced some problems when sponsoring through
If you would like to sponsor us & do find it hard to get into that system, you can always use the good oldfashioned way & fill in our sponsor forms, or email us with the following details:
Your Name, Home Address, Postcode, Amount pledged, If you are a tax payer whether we can claim gift aid, and finally any message of support.
Thanks Again
Dawn, Caroline & Clair