Sunday 29 March 2009

Note to self..... When planning to undertake a 16 mile training walk at 8.30 in the morning, it's probably best not to eat curry, drink wine & stay up until nearly 1 in the morning!

Moonwalk Training:
Date - 28th March
Distance - 16miles
Route - Ashtead to Dorking Via A24 & Back

The three of us, Clair Hunt, Caroline Reeves & me, Dawn Proudfoot arranged to meet at Carolines house at 8.30am on Saturday morning. Caroline had previously driven the route to check the mileage. The night before we, along with our friends Vicky & Jo, had had a girls night in. We ordered a vast amount of take away curry, and consumed this and substantially less wine than we would normally do, as a nod toward the fact that we would be walking 16 miles early the next day. We finally left around12.30 am, after a cup of tea & chocolate cake!-)

We met at Carolines, wrapped up warm, with woolly hats, gloves, layers of clothing, flourescent jackets, and bum bags full of essentials, lipsil, plasters,wine gums, mobile phones & money. After a bit of stretching we set off at 9.01am.

It is amazing the things you talk about when, men, "aches & pains", holidays, home improvements, "how far have we walked now?" food, parties, "Where would the best place be for a toilet break?" nights out, weekends away, "I really need a wee now!" restaurants, family, " My legs are feeling a bit achy!" ............ Then we got to 2 miles !

Actually, we did talk about all of that, plus people & houses we passed, news events and sooooo much more. The time passed really quickly, and we reached our halfway point in 2 hours. That is an average 15 minute mile. We stopped, for the much anticipated wee break, had a quick cake & cuppa in a coffee shop & set off for home after synchronizing watches again.

The journey back was certainly not as comfortable as the walk there. We had a variety of aches and ailments, the heel of Carolines foot was painful, Clair had some knee aches, and I felt everyone of my 42 years as we reached the 12 mile mark. It was at this stage that we realised we would have to cover double that distance in around 6 weeks! The last couple of miles seemed much quicker though, and we got back to Carolines house in just under 2 hours. We had been rained & hailed on at various stages of the route. Fortunately they were just spring showers rather than sustained assaults and we were delighted that we managed to complete the walk at an average of under 15 minutes a mile. If we can sustain that for the moonwalk we should complete the 26 miles in around 6 and a quarter hours! Not bad!

We decided that this week we would try & do a short fast walk. We plan to go on Tuesday evening, although Carolines heel pain proved to be a rather nasty blister, so we will see how that is.

We saw a few of you on route & I am sure you will bear testiment to the fact that we looked like three rejects from the "Where's Wally" books, either that our council workers in our bright yellow flourescent jackets.

A big thanks to all of you who have so far sponsored us. Please log on to our online sponsor page: to make your donations and see our total raised so far.

For more details on the charity log on tp

Thanks again & See you soon
Dawn, Caroline & Clair, Fit & Flirty!